La Fête des Passeurs
37800  NOUATRE
Initiated in 2022 as part of the Festival de Vienne, the Fête des Passeurs de Nouâtre is back again this year. The idea behind this festival is to revitalize the banks of the Vienne, which were once very active, with hundreds of boats passing through, trading and giving rhythm to village life. Following the success of the first edition, this year the Nogastrum association is proposing a craft village and workshops on the Chaumes, on the banks of the river. The harbour will host traditional boats and, in the evening, the much-anticipated concert by "Kocoa and The Sweet Pops" at 9:00 pm. Local products will be in the spotlight, with lunch and dinner available on site with wood-fired fouées, and a wide range of local drinks available from the refreshment bar.