“Festival de théâtre 3P2A”
37320  TRUYES
"La Troupe de Manthelan (1), with its play L?héritage presque parfait (an explosive family comedy) by Angélique Sutty, and La Troupe de Reignac (2), with its play Mère et Maire, ça va de pair (a sparkling, dynamic comedy) by Angélique Sutty, will perform on Saturday at 5pm (1) and 8.30pm (2). This will be followed on Sunday afternoon by "La Troupe de 3P2A", whose play remains a surprise, with a comedy to be discovered that is sure to be full of twists and turns.
All three plays are directed by Romain Favier and Julien Bazin, who also run the drama classes for each of the troupes. "We're sure you'll have a great time at the festival!
Full adult price : 15,00€ - 35,00€
Child rate : 8,00€ - 20,00€